
Have You Tried Turning It Off and on Again Pug

Adrienne is a certified canis familiaris trainer and old veterinarian assistant who partners with some of the best veterinarians worldwide.

Is your dog still in love with his food?

Is your dog still in love with his food?

How to Get Your Dog'due south Appetite Back

Your dog has always been an gorging eater. As a matter of fact, he has ever gulped down his repast in seconds, and he has always made daily trips under your kitchen table merely looking for a few crumbs. Yet, a day comes where he categorically refuses his food. Concerned, you start wondering if he may be sick or if he has all of a sudden become a fussy eater.

Some dogs can exist extremely finicky. They may turn their nose away from foods they dislike. Dealing with such dogs may be annoying as owners find themselves continuously rotating between different dog food brands to satisfy their dog's special cravings.

Even so, in many cases, a loss of ambition may advise a health ailment. This is why before considering your dog choosy, it is a good thought to have your vet rule out some conditions such as tooth problems, kidney or liver problems, or cancer.

Of course, there are many other wellness disorders that crusade loss of appetite in dogs; this is why information technology is vital to rule out these conditions prior to merely because your domestic dog a finicky eater. Consider if in that location is a female dog in oestrus nearby—your male domestic dog may no longer be interested in food. Below you may discover some helpful tips that may shed some lite on this mysterious case of "empty stomach syndrome."

Reasons Why Your Dog Stopped Eating

  1. Has there been a sudden nutrition change?
  2. Whatever signs of a tummy ache?
  3. What's going on in his life?
  4. Has he lost any close friends?
  5. Is there love in the air?
  6. Are you lot giving people food/canned food?
  7. Are y'all giving too many treats?
  8. Do you make a big bargain out of eating?
  9. Does the food look and smell okay?
  10. Is your dog complimentary fed?
  11. Are there any signs of dental problems?
  12. Are there as well many distractions?

Reasons Why Your Dog Stopped Eating

If your dog is refusing food, here are some questions to consider:

1. Has there been a sudden nutrition change?

Dogs may not readily have new foods. If you just recently inverse his nutrient, he may be turning his nose up because the new nutrient may not be every bit appealing as the previous. In this instance, of grade, the about obvious solution is to bring back the one-time nutrient. However, if the sometime food is no longer good for him such every bit your canis familiaris is overweight and needs a food with less fat content, or your dog has turned out needing a new special diet, simply give him a few days. Sooner than afterward, his hunger will come dorsum again and he will have the new food.

2. Any signs of a breadbasket ache?

Dogs become breadbasket aches just as humans. It is quite normal for a dog with a stomach ache to turn down food for a day. In this case, respect his demand for time. If your domestic dog has been vomiting or has diarrhea, a 24-hour fast may benefit him. His upset stomach is just asking for some remainder. Do not force feed. However, if you own a young puppy you do not desire to fast him for more than 12 hours. In one case the 12/24 hours are over, give your canis familiaris some boiled boneless and skinless chicken and rice for a few days to sooth his tummy. Gradually add the rice to his usual diet until it replaces the bland diet entirely.

iii. What'south going on in his life?

Take there been whatever recent changes? Has the dog moved to a new place, or is the domestic dog with new owners? Stress may take a cost on a dog'due south appetite. A new environment tin can play a major role. Boarding kennels are very used to dogs not eating for 3-4 days because of the new place and the absence of their owners. Newly adopted dogs may not swallow the get-go days as well. The appetite usually resumes in one case the dogs go back to his routine and gets more familiar with new places and new people. This simply takes time.

4. Has he lost whatever close friends?

Dogs may get depressed and mourn the loss of a companion just as humans. Whether his best friend was a cat, another dog, or his beloved possessor, dogs tend to lose their appetite when mourning. Some dogs have even refused food for long periods of time and fifty-fifty died from hunger. These cases may be difficult to treat, but some exercise and environmental stimulus may bring part of his positive mood dorsum and with that his ambition.

5. Is there love in the air?

On a merrier note, heat cycles are notorious appetite suppressants and it goes both ways for both bitches and studs. Unaltered female dogs may not eat when they accept their estrus cycle and male dogs may be too distracted past the distinct "love potion odor" to concentrate on eating. In nature, dogs may not consume for various days when love is in the air. The same happens to domesticated dogs. Attempt to keep your dogs away from the sight of potential mates, just be aware that the smell of a female in heat may travel several miles.

Is your dog still in love with his food?

Is your dog still in love with his nutrient?

vi. Are y'all giving people food/canned nutrient?

If you are feeding lots of table scraps routinely your dog may have decided that people nutrient is tastier. Giving table scraps may be the recipe for a finicky dog. Later all, if you were to eat rice every day and then yous are offered potatoes, meatloaf, pastrami, and provolone, would y'all be happy to get back to your irksome rice meal? Noooo . . . same example goes on with dogs that for some reason were given canned nutrient and and then had to exist put back on dry.

7. Are you giving too many treats?

You are grooming your dog and giving treats as he learns. However, it never crosses your mind that your dog may be ingesting so many treats that he is refusing food because he is already full. Just think how you feel later eating loads of junk food, got the picture? Why not utilize your dog's kibble instead for training? Kibble is bang-up to apply when you are preparation in low lark environments such as at domicile or in the thou.

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8. Do y'all make a big deal out of eating?

Dogs are smart and dogs are attending seekers. Your dog refuses his kibble one morn. Y'all step closeby, pet your dog, and literally beg her to eat another kibble. Side by side, you are pleading her to eat on your knees. Your dog, at this signal, feels similar a star. Information technology's similar, "Wow, every time I refuse food my owner goes bonkers over me. If I desire to go all the attending I am missing during the day, all I need to practice is turn my olfactory organ from the food I am offered."

9. Does the food expect and smell okay?

With the tainted food problems hopefully backside united states of america, some owners confessed that their dogs categorically refused foods that were on the tainted nutrient list merely their owners fussed them to eat until they eventually did. Requite your dog the benefit of doubt, and cheque if the canis familiaris food smells and looks okay. Besides, search for any recent recalls and call your canis familiaris food dealer to check if anybody reported anything unusual.

x. Is your dog gratis fed?

Practise you leave dog food out all the fourth dimension? It is a fact that the most finicky dogs are those that have dog food available at all times. After all, would you find french fries interesting if they were always 24/vii available to you lot? Probable non. Rather, feed your dog only at certain times. Ideally, you want to feed your adult dog twice a solar day and puppy three times a mean solar day.

11. Are in that location whatsoever signs of dental problems?

Dogs can get toothaches. The showtime thing vets generally check when dogs are not eating is the mouth. Check for any abnormalities such as blood-red gums, dental disuse, bad breath, or even objects stuck in the mouth. Some dogs tend to salivate when they have oral pain, and others may driblet kibbles of dry food out of their mouth. Exist very careful when checking a dog's oral fissure, yous can accidentally be bitten as your canis familiaris closes his jaw. Have a vet carefully inspect his rima oris.

12. Are at that place also many distractions?

You feed your domestic dog in the middle of the kitchen when the baby is crying, the phone rings, and your cats are jumping all over. Dogs need peace and quiet when they eat, and with also many distractions, your canis familiaris may lose his appetite. Effort to feed in a tranquillity spot and go along other pets away. Some dogs reject to eat if other pets are around.

Don't hesitate to take your dog to a vet to rule out any illnesses that could be affecting their appetite.

Don't hesitate to accept your canis familiaris to a vet to dominion out whatever illnesses that could exist affecting their ambition.

How Can I Go My Domestic dog to Consume Again?

Now that we have gone over some of the well-nigh mutual scenarios where dogs refuse nutrient, it is fourth dimension to find out what tin be done to entice your dog back to normal eating. Equally mentioned previously, never force a domestic dog that is acting sickly. If it is just a slight upset breadbasket, permit it run its course. However, if your dog is refusing food for more than 24 hours or is interim lethargic, a vet visit is mandatory. A dog that has always been an avid eater sends out a bright red flag when he suddenly refuses his food and does non act right.

These tips are to entice dogs that are not acting sick. Some may work and some may not. If you are dealing with an obstinate example, play it prophylactic and check with your veterinarian for an underlying cause.

1. Warm It Up

Sometimes all it takes is to add together a few drops of warm water or broth (with no onion or garlic) to take a domestic dog gain interest in nutrient again. The warm h2o or broth moistens the dry kibble and allows more smell to be released. If your dog has dental problems, a softer repast is well welcomed. If yous are giving canned food, try to warm information technology upwardly slightly in the microwave. Make sure information technology is not too hot past mixing it well and testing the temperature with your finger.

2. Change Food

In some cases, dogs need to change food. Dogs in nature have a diverseness of foods bachelor and some dogs do meliorate changing foods every at present and then. Try to identify foods your canis familiaris likes a lot and that are good for him and then rotate them. Brand sure though that your dog is not abruptly put on a new food. A domestic dog's stomach needs time to adjust to a different food. Gradually over the course of one week, add the new food to the old until it replaces it entirely. Neglect to do then and you lot may get a vomiting dog or a dog with diarrhea or worse both!

3. Pass Some Gravy

Some special gravies may be plant at yous local pet store. Ane, in particular, is made by Iams. They are tasty gravies that entice dogs to eat. But pour some on the dish and your dog volition likely gulp it up. Be aware though: your canis familiaris may go fond to it and refuse food if you do non have a canteen in stock!

4. Invest in Smelly Canis familiaris Foods

Ordinarily the smellier the canis familiaris food the meliorate. Y'all practice not want to buy a dog food that appeals to you but rather a dog food that appeals to your canis familiaris. Stinky foods with a strong odor look similar are the virtually appealing to dogs.

Hopefully your pup just has a tummy ache that they will get over soon.

Hopefully your pup just has a tummy ache that they will go over before long.

5. Take the Dish Away

Every fourth dimension your canis familiaris refuses food for more than than 20 minutes remove the dish. Dogs acquire rapidly. Side by side mealtime he may eagerly eat fearing you might take the dish away over again. As a general rule, therefore, do not let food sit in the dish for more 20 minutes.

half dozen. Remove Canned Gradually

If your dog was on canned nutrient and now is refusing dry. Mix some canned to the dry and decrease the canned gradually over time. Sooner than afterward he volition be eating but dry out once again.

7. Keep Food Fresh

Is the dog food bag open up all the fourth dimension? Is information technology placed in a clammy expanse and prone to humidity? If this is the case, the season may accept gone out the window. Invest in a nice plastic storage container. Nobody likes food that has lost about of its taste or worse has mold.

viii. Exercise!

Dogs that are slightly depressed or inactive may become a nice tour of appetite back if they are properly exercised. Go for a long walk, or entice your dog in a squeamish game of fetch. Once back inside, he may have restored some of his expert old appetite.

9. Do Non Requite In

If your dog is finicky, do non requite in and offer other foods. Rather, bear witness firmly that that's all he gets. Some dogs are expert at manipulating owners to offer different foods. All it takes is that special look to make owners give in. Stay firm, if your dog is without food for a day or two, it is not a big deal. Afterward all, in the wild, there are some days when no prey is around.

ten. Add Some Interesting Stuff

Sometimes all information technology takes is to add a few babe carrots or some string beans to make your dog's meal interesting again. These tin exist healthy additions likewise!

Dealing with a finicky canis familiaris can be a challenging effect to deal with. However, in the wild, there was never a history of finicky dogs. A finicky domestic dog in the wild was usually either sick or in heat. We are the cause of finicky dogs and every bit the source of the problem, we must solve the trouble. Always rule out potential sicknesses kickoff with your veterinarian and then start a "finicky feeding program."

This article is accurate and true to the best of the writer'due south cognition. It is non meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, handling, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

Questions & Answers

Question: My dog's food that he's been on since nascence suddenly gives him diarrhea. Why would he suddenly not tolerate his normal food? He'll eat it, but it makes him ill. He's eating chicken and rice now, and I worry he's not getting what he needs nutritionally.

Answer: The offset affair to do is to meet whether there were whatever recent recalls. Google the name of the food and put the word recollect at the end. Sometimes, you won't find recalls, just there may be changes in the nutrient. Giving the visitor a telephone call to and asking whether they have recently inverse their conception can sometimes be insightful. Sometimes, they make minimal changes that tin can upset the GI organization of sensitive dogs.

If all this isn't productive, you may desire to meet the vet and see whether in that location'south something going on with your dog. Some dogs develop sensitivities to certain ingredients as they age. On top of that, sometimes nosotros think it'southward the nutrient when there may be other causes such as parasites similar intestinal worms or protozoans or other health ailments.

You are right to be concerned virtually keeping your canis familiaris long-term on a diet of craven and rice. It'southward not nutritionally complete, and therefore information technology's meant to be given only for brief periods. Information technology's important to sort out the underlying issue, so that your dog can go dorsum on the food or be switched to another type altogether, based on what your vet suggests.

Question: How can I become my Bichon to swallow fresh veggies? She eats the meat and separates the veggies.

Answer: Some domestic dog owners accept success pureeing the veggies and and so mixing information technology upwards with the meat.

Question: What can I feed my 8 lb Pomapoo when she refuses all her food and acts ill but still begs to eat?

Respond: If yous haven't already, please see your vet to address the underlying cause of not eating. Your domestic dog may require treatment for an underlying medical crusade. If your canis familiaris has nausea, your vet may also prescribe antinausea meds. Generally, there are various foods that may aid, merely things can get risky as she may develop an upset tummy. Meat-based baby nutrient with no onion or garlic may be an option. Boiled chicken with no fat or basic. Boiled skinless and boneless fish. Ground cooked turkey. Some dogs love canned tripe. Sometimes adding a bit of grated cheese to kibble volition entice dogs to eat. Nutrical can help provide actress calories temporarily if she is not eating enough.

© 2008 Adrienne Farricelli

Susan Donmoyer on June 24, 2020:

My dog is 8 years old and has e'er been fed in his crate with my other dogs.All of a sudden he will non consume unless I spoon feed him.What gives?

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on Feb 05, 2020:

Howdy Ashley, I would brand sure the nutrient is OK (no odd smells, no product recalls, expiration date etc.), then I would bank check the food bowl (no odd smells, remnants of soap-if you lot employ that). I would and then check your puppy's poop to make certain he doesn't have soft/stools diarrhea, check if he vomited somewhere, if he'southward drooling or acting odd and then I would have him come across the vet to brand sure nothing is amiss. I would also cheque whether the other pup may have started resource guarding (stiffening, growling, barking) when your other pup is most which may crusade your other pup to feel intimidated. Perhaps endeavour to requite more distance or feed in separated areas and see what happens.

Ashley on February 04, 2020:

I have 2 puppy lab/pits, I take been giving them the same food since we got them and all the sudden the i dog is non eating his food. The puppies are brothers and seem to practice everything together. They normally eat adjacent to each other and now all the sudden for the past iv days, he does not eat next to his brother and will not get near his brother when eating. I am not sure what is happening with him.

Penny on April 30, 2019:

I have a long haired maltese that refuses to eat and has been throughing upwardly a little. I think it is bile just not for sure. as far equally bowel movements I don't know for sure which she does. What kind of stuff tin can I practice to help her.

Joanna Tacheny on Feb 19, 2019:

Good commodity thanks! (At that place is a typo in #12, should be 'serenity' and it says quite. Just FYI

Val on October 09, 2018:

I've recently got a canis familiaris (Maltese Mix) and she's i and 1/ii years old. I live in an apartment and she'southward very aggressive to the other dogs and I took her to the domestic dog park and she's aggressive to them also. What tin can I practise to help acclimate her to her new abode. We walk twice a twenty-four hour period but when she run across another domestic dog...all Hell breaks out...

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on August 25, 2018:

Alisha, it'south not really a major problem unless your dog gets sick from eating fish or information technology'south getting also expensive for you lot. Maybe you can substitute the tuna for sardines packed in h2o. My holistic vet suggested I give my dog a tin of sardines packed in water one time a calendar week for healthy joints and coat. Ask your vet if you can feed sardines long term to your dog. The health benefits may be worth it.

Alisha on Baronial nineteen, 2018:

Hi I have a half-dozen month old Maltese! We ran out of dog food one night and so I fed him a little bit of tuna. Ever since then he will barely eat his food without tuna in information technology. I tried switching his food but he nevertheless won't eat.

What should I do?

Karun on July xiii, 2018:

What is the best food to feed my female doberman puppy 4month??

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 26, 2018:

Tomika, the behavior of your puppy is apropos. I think it would be wise to have the vet encounter this pup to decide whether she is suffering from something medical going on.

TOMIKA MY on May 24, 2018:


I promise you lot tin give me some advice for this trouble. I'm really in need of your help.

I have a five months old puppy that recently lost two of her brothers due to an illness that was caused from eating something bad (Nosotros didn't know what it was because it seemed that they establish and ate it while strolling around the neighborhood. They came dwelling house one day and got a terrible stomach ache that made them unable to digest their food; they always ended up throwing them back up and excreted watery poo. After that, they refused to eat no matter what I exercise and somewhen lost their lives 2 days afterwards. That was one of the worst day in my life...) After the loses, she became the merely puppy in the pack (I take 4 more adult dogs--her mother is one of them). She seemed to be a bit depressed and chose to eat merely the food with strong smell. She was already a picky eater before this but this time, I tin clearly see that her sadness has acquired some decrease in her apetite. It also seemed that she'southward became terrified of the older dogs which is a first (When her brothers were all the same around, she wasn't scared of them), she refused to eat whenever they're close by. I'g scared that if this continues, she'll vicious ill and die of hunger... What should I do?

Cathy on May 14, 2018:

I have a female German language Shepherd 14 months old desire swallow tryed her on every thing every fourth dimension i have her to the vet they say to me is she running effectually play i said yes she is 35.lx kg simply she looks skinny to me i love her so much she is a big girl

Brian on March 27, 2018:


Hope u accept some kind of answer for this outcome.

My female had 10 puppies, 5 institute forever homes and are doing neat. Merely afterwards that five getting the remaining five adopted became very hard, no luck at four months quondam. But then a family heard of the pups an adopted Duke.

A week subsequently Knuckles was adopted the family chosen and said he's not eating, drinking or playing, he just lays in one spot and does nothing. We picked him up a brought him home, nosotros idea we would endeavour to feed him and see if he'll swallow for u.s., or nosotros have a sick pup.

He downed a whole bowl of water and basin of food, then ran outside to play w his brothers an sisters. Today he'due south just a happy fiddling guy.

I'm not a breeder, so what did we exercise wrong, why his odd behavior? Is this normal for a pup to be so home sick I'chiliad guessing?

Thank you lot in advance for any info

Brian k


tammy on March 24, 2018:

I got new dog from owners that ppl nutrient fed him for a yr northward at present I have him n he won't eat dog nutrient it'southward been two days howlong should I wait north what should I do as I don't want him eating human nutrient

RS Elliot on January 29, 2018:

Humming bird love...that post is appalling...what kind of an possessor are you? You are better off giving the dog up to someone that can take care of information technology..letting the dog starve is horrifying...I am sorry if i sound harsh...but actually?

Hummingbird love on Baronial 31, 2017:

My dog has been refusing her dog foods for weeks and I have offered her the human foods. She eats okay. I accept stopped giving her canis familiaris treats, I apply dog nutrient instead when out walking. If she keeps refusing, I don't have coin to accept her to vet. If she wants to die, let her be. Information technology breaks my center and I take no option because I must pay hire, foods, buying a new car for my job and pay bills besides. The vet would swallow more than of my money to set up my dog. She will die if she won't eat at all anyhow.

Melissa on July 23, 2017:

My mom recently passed away. And Copper her canis familiaris witch is at present my dog is refusing to consume at times since February of this year. He will swallow information technology if I add things to it but then he go use to it and is downwardly right refusing and so much he is losing weight and I have to give in because I don't want him to get sick. What else can I do I tried everything on the list long walks around my block no leash because he stays close to me....notation I look like my mom in the face. I stay away from wet can food considering it smells horrible and looks like information technology has works in it fifty-fifty though information technology is just fat. I put salary grease in his food to fatten him up.and Everytime I cook bacon he gives me those puppy eyes hes 2 years old. Human trying to go back to making homemade domestic dog beige he loves them just the gas omg. I besides brand it wait like I'k cooking his food to flim-flam him....can dogs have depression? I had to be the i to tell him about my mom. And when I brought her sweater abode he smelled her on it and cryed so much I cryed...poor guy wants my mom back and then do I we both miss her. I tin can't loose him to so if anyone can help with more advice it will help. I'chiliad besides going to effort and fix a play appointment with his friend Lucy my mom's other dog that went with my brother. Number 4 I call back is the big 1 thatay cause him to stop eating correct.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on July 30, 2012:

I e'er recollect it is all-time to get her checked out. Some dogs are stoic and do not testify pain/discomfort and the beginning thing to go away is appetite. Is he neutered? If not, whatsoever chances there may be a female person in estrus nearby? Also, is he refusing food if there is no canned food mixed in it? i accept had dogs that refused food for days in a row if the canned food was not mixed in it.

Green on July 30, 2012:

My three year erstwhile Doberman suddenly stopped eating dry out dog nutrient when he ordinarily reminds me of what time information technology is to eat & almost inhales his food He has regular BM's & no vomiting His tail & ears r up & he hasn't lost any of his energy He started this 3 days agone & volition eat his food if I mix it with soft food I've checked his unabridged body & his mouth didn't find anything apparently wrong He's drinking plenty of water Should I consider having him checked or just give it a few days?

Adrienne Farricelli (writer) on April 17, 2012:

Poor Darvey sounds like he misses his family and his routine! Have y'all tried already the tips in the commodity above? Afterwards the causes for refusing nutrient there are tips. Endeavour to find some Iams Savory Sauce at your local pet store to put on his food. Don't force him to continue walks if yous need to drag him. Try to appoint him in play at home, become a ball, a fetch toy, and run across if he gets excited. Exercise helps getting dogs hungry. However, if he is lethargic I wold recommend a vet, look for mobile vets in boondocks; they can come to your dwelling house~! all-time wishes

Carl on April 17, 2012:

My dog Harvey a Dobermann Pincher is refusing to eat at all, its been 4 days since, it happened right after my parents headed on hoiday for a week and a fleck, they wont exist home till 4 odd days time, its gotten to a bespeak where he wont even go on walks having to be dragged, all he has been doing is drinking water, any ways I can help him out, I am not sure if I will be able to become him to a vet due to lack of 4 cycle vechile

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on December 09, 2011:

Information technology could very probable be all these changes are taking their cost on the canis familiaris. Having worked for a kennel, I saw many dogs refuse to swallow the start twenty-four hours or ii. My puppies refused food when boarded at the vet for two days. Y'all tin can effort to add Iams savory sauce with the owner'southward permission and try to feed in a serenity area. If there are as well many noises and distractions he may merely need to at-home down a chip. I would let the owner know and decide what to do. Sometimes feeding something more enticing may stimulate his appetite. If he looks happy and not acting sick very likely he just needs to adjust. Otherwise ask yous friend nearly accept him checked out by the vet, all-time wishes!

krysti on December 09, 2011:

I recently brought home a pit only to watch him for a few Weeks for a friend. there are some differences in the homes I take kids which the dog plays with them and is ever post-obit united states around but she won't consume. Is she just sad and adjusting or is it serious?

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on September 01, 2011:

Even though it may brand sense to miss his pal, I would doubt this is what is causing the symptoms you are seeing. I would accept him to vet to play it prophylactic and rule out annihilation else. Best wishes.

mary on September 01, 2011:

I have two dogs one I have had for half-dozen years and the other for half-dozen months. I took a trip to florida and took the six month quondam with me. I let a friend go on the older ane. my six month old (romeo) was a very agile domestic dog until nosotros came habitation. He started throwing upwardly and wont eat. but he volition beverage. I haven't got my older dog back withal I am going tonight to get her. Could he exist upset considering shes not here with him. They are such good buddies. He just is so sad. I am worried cause he has lost so much weight in the past few days. He gets excited when he sees other dogs until he realizes they are non jasmine. So hes dorsum in the funk.... what to do.. should i expect till i become get jasmine to see what happens?? thanks mary

Charity Squid on March 31, 2011:

Smashing hub! I peculiarly like the centre-shape yous fabricated with the canis familiaris food in the photo.


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