How to Get Rid Of FUPA Without Surgery

How to get rid of FUPA without surgery: If you have some belly fat, then it can eventually take on a flap-like look. FUPA colloquially stands for 'Fat Upper Pubic Area' and refers to that extra flesh – which is a bad thing to have not just for how it looks, but for the fact that belly fat is an indicator of an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain kinds of cancer.

If you developed your FUPA after having a baby then check out How To Lose FUPA After Pregnancy

>>> Click here for the workout I used to lose my FUPA <<<

The good news is that it is possible to learn how to get rid of FUPA without surgery. Spot reduction is not possible – and it may be that if you have fat in that region it will take longer to go than the fat on your arms, thighs or hips. However, if you want to learn how to get rid of FUPA without surgery then you can do it – with slow, patient work over a prolonged period of time.

How To Get Rid Of FUPA Without Surgery

Where your body stores fat comes down to genetics as much as anything else. Men are more likely to store fat in the abdomen than women, and post-menopausal women are more likely to store fat in that area than other women. However, whether or not you gain fat anywhere depends on whether you are eating at a calorie surplus or not. If you consume fewer calories than you burn each day, you will lose fat over time – eat more than you need and you will gain fat.

How to Get Rid Of FUPA Without Surgery

So how to get rid of FUPA without surgery? You need to spend a sustained amount of time living in a calorie deficit. Depending on your genetics, you may find that you lose fat in your extremities first, then your thighs, face, and chest, and then finally your belly. This is something that you will just have to accept – keep losing fat and eventually you will lean out all over.

This is why it's so important to run a small calorie deficit. If you consume around 250 calories fewer each day than you need, that will help you to lose 2lb per month. Every couple of months, re-calculate your calorie allowance to make sure that you keep up with the fat loss. You will hopefully lose lots of fat and very little muscle, keeping your metabolism high. You will lean out all over, and get the toned look that you want. Slow, sustained fat loss will also help with the issue of loose skin. If you lose weight rapidly then you will end up "shrinking" so quickly that your skin will be slow to respond. Eventually, it should shrink enough for you, but it might take longer than you would prefer.

>>> Click here for the workout I used to lose my FUPA <<<

Don't take surgery as your first option, because that could be counter-productive. If you haven't learned how to eat a diet that keeps you lean, then you will just gain weight again after the surgery. Try changing your lifestyle first of all and see where it takes you. You will be glad that you did when you don't just get your body back – you stay fit and healthy for the rest of your life.